Swift from Scratch: A Complete Guide (Part 2)


{ (parameters) -> returnType in
    // code block

Types of Closures

func addNumbers(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int {
    return a + b
func outerFunction() {
    func innerFunction() {
        print("This is a nested function")
let sum = { (a: Int, b: Int) -> Int in
    return a + b

Removing parameter types and return types

let greet = { name in
return "Hello, \(name)!"

Removing the RETURN keyword

let greet = { name in
    "Hello, \(name)!"

Using Shorthand Argument Names

let greet = { "Hello, \($0)!" }

// code 
let result = greet("John")

// Output "Hello John"

Closures as function arguments

func performOperation(_ operation: (Int, Int) -> Int) {
    let result = operation(5, 3)
    print("Result: \(result)")

performOperation { $0 + $1 } // Output: Result: 8
performOperation { $0 * $1 } // Output: Result: 15

Escaping Closures

func fetchData(completion: @escaping () -> Void) {
    DispatchQueue.global().async {
        // Simulate some work
        print("Fetching data...")

fetchData {
    print("Data fetched!")
//OUPUT: Fetching data...
         Data fetched!

Non-Escaping Closure

func performAction(action: () -> Void) {
    print("Action performed")
    action()  // Immediately CAll
    print("Action performed done")

performAction {
    print("Action is Performing")
//Output  Action performed
Action is Performing
Action performed done

When to Use a Closure vs a Function?


// Defining a protocol
protocol Drivable {
    var speed: Int { get set } // Property
    func drive() // Method

// Class conforming to the protocol
class Car: Drivable {
    var speed: Int = 0
    func drive() {
        print("The car is driving at \(speed) km/h.")

// Using the protocol
let myCar = Car()
myCar.speed = 60
myCar.drive()  // Output: The car is driving at 60 km/h.

Define properties and methods in a protocol:

Multiple Protocols ka Adoption:

protocol Flyable {
    func fly()

class Airplane: Drivable, Flyable {
    var speed: Int = 0

    func drive() {
        print("Airplane is driving.")
    func fly() {
        print("Airplane is flying at \(speed) km/h.")

Protocol Methods with Default Implementations:

protocol Eatable {
    func eat()

extension Eatable {
    func eat() {
        print("Eating food.")

class Person: Eatable {
    // No need to implement 'eat' method, default implementation from extension will be used.

let person = Person()
person.eat() // Output: Eating food.

Protocol with Associated Types:

protocol Container {
    associatedtype Item
    var items: [Item] { get set }
    mutating func addItem(_ item: Item)

struct Box: Container {
    var items: [String] = []
    mutating func addItem(_ item: String) {

var myBox = Box()
print(myBox.items) // Output: ["Apple"]


class AddFund {

extension AddFund {
    // New methods, properties, or initializers go here

Extension Example in Swift

// Extension for String class
extension String {
    func reverse() -> String {
        return String(self.reversed())

// Using the extension method
let newString = "Inspire, Dev!"
let reverse = newString.reverse()
print(reverse)  // Output: "!veD ,eripsnI"

Using Extensions with Protocols

protocol Pirates {
    var name: String { get }

extension String: Pirates {
    var name: String {
        return "JACK SPARROW \(self.count)"

// Using the protocol conformance
let ship = "BLACK PEARL"
print(ship.name)  // Correct Output: JACK SPARROW 11

Limitations of Extensions

Cannot Override Existing Methods:

Cannot Add Stored Properties:

No Deinitializers:

Error Handling

Types Of Error Handling

How does error handling work?

Syntax Of Error Handling

// Define a custom error type
enum MyError: Error {
    case networkError
    case invalidData

// A function that throws an error
func fetchData(from url: String) throws {
    if url.isEmpty {
        throw MyError.invalidData
    // Simulating network error
    let success = false
    if !success {
        throw MyError.networkError
    print("Data fetched successfully!")

// Handling errors using do-try-catch
do {
    try fetchData(from: "https://inspire.com")
} catch MyError.networkError {
    print("Network Error: Failed to fetch data.")
} catch MyError.invalidData {
    print("Invalid Data Error: URL is empty.")
} catch {
    print("An unexpected error occurred: \(error).")
// Output : Network Error: Failed to fetch data.

Important Keywords in Error Handling

Access Control








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